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Traveling To North Bali, Indonesia, The Land Of The Gods

January 4, 2024

I decided that the first destination for a music video would be Bali, Indonesia, because I have been curious about this green and tropical island for a very long time now. I was in a period of moving to a new city, so it was the perfect time to escape for 2 months and start this extraordinary adventure I have been planning for many years now. All the pieces of the vision is coming together into one firm plan with doable tasks, and almost all the setup is done. I am excited with all my passion to share with you my travel blog, as this website will be my home from now on and you are welcome to stay as much as you like. It's probably still a bit of bugs on the site but I am spraying it a little bit each day with bug spray (no wonder it is laggy.. just kidding).

Let's travel to Bali!

The travel time from Norway is 20+ hours

But the anticipation makes me too happy to care. Instead of Netflix I am nerd-watching the globe that shows where the plane is currently flying.

The best part of any journey to me is the cab drive from the airport, and you experience this whole new vibe outside the windows, with new sounds, smells and sights.

The experience was immediately surreal! I really felt like arriving directly in the Avatar 2 movie or some other kind of world. It was big ornaments everywhere that looked like must have taken ages to make! And statues the size of buildings. And not just of some naked man holding a ball or something like the usual European statues. Crazy statues of Hindu Gods. Wait it can't be described with words, let me show you:

And this just casually stood in a T-intersection. It was statues like these casually in almost every roundabout honestly.

The statue is called Gatotkaca, and he is believed by locals to give protection and security. He also has a deadly weapon that apparently can kill any mortal or immortal, so I am not so sure I feel reassured.

It can't be just me who have a really mystical feeling whenever I arrive in a new place.. it's like you really don't know what is around you at all. And yet it's so intriguing to figure it out.

Especially when you arrive in night time to this gate in the middle of the rainforest.

The gate to our villa

I have to admit, this is the first trip I actually got jetlag when I arrived . I think I just relaxed for a whole week 😂 But what does that matter in Bali, ey? 😏🌴


My name is Marte Kippernes, and I'm a Norwegian artist and vagabond looking for sagas (stories) from all corners of the world, to make epic music short videos. I hope you feel at home on my site.

Much love, Sagabond

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